Titel | Referent | Datum |
Predicting Pareto Fronts for Smart Sampling of Multimodal Itineraries | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jan Fabian Ehmke, Universität Wien (Österreich) |
04. Mai 2023 |
The Design of Capacitated Intermodal Hub Networks with Different Vehicle | Sibel Alumur-Alev, University of Waterloo (Kanada) |
10. Dezember 2015 |
Networks, Uncertainty, Applications and a Crusade for Optimality | Eduardo Alvarez-Miranda, Associated Professor at Universidad de Talca (Chile) |
11. Januar 2018 |
Effective Handling of Ride-Time Constraints in Solution Approaches to theDial-a-Ride Problem | Dr. Timo Gschwind, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Deutschland) |
14. Dezember 2017 |
Simulation in Produktion und Logistik und der Digitale Fabrikzwilling – enge Geschwister oder entfernte Verwandte? | Prof. Dr. Sven Spieckermann, SimPlan AG Hanau (Deutschland) |
14. Februar 2024 |
How Will the Internet of Things Affect the Way We Do Business? Considerations from Theory and Practice | Prof. Dr. Robert Blackburn, BASF Ludwigshafen (Deutschland) |
14. Januar 2015 |
Optimization in transportation and logistics: yesterday, today, tomorrow | Prof. Dr. Maria Grazia Speranza, University of Brescia (Italien) |
14. März 2024 |
Project Scheduling with Flexible Resources: Formulation and Inequalities | Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama (PhD), Universität Lissabon (Portugal) |
14. Mai 2009 |
OR in the OR: Operations Research in the Operating Room | Prof. Erwin Hans, University of Twente (Niederlande) |
15. Dezember 2009 |
Towards an ecosystem of Healthcare OR/OM education, research and impact | Prof. Erwin Hans, University of Twente (Niederlande) |
16. Februar 2017 |
A Roadmap to the Use of Multicriteria and Portfolio Decision Analysis to the Design and Deployment of Risk Matrices | Dr. Mónica Oliveira, Universität Lissabon (Portugal) |
16. Januar 2014 |
Robust Project Scheduling | Prof. Erik Demeulemeester, Research Center for Operations Management, KU Leuven (Belgien) |
16. Januar 2014 |
Improve the Operating Room Schedule to Reduce the Number of Required Beds | Dr. Theresia van Essen, Delft University of Technology (Niederlande) |
18. Juni 2015 |
Public defibrillator location optimization with supply and demand uncertainty | Derya Demirtas, Universität Twente (Niederlande) |
19. Dezember 2016 |
Biobjective Traffic Assignment Models | Andrea Raith, Engineering Science Department, University of Auckland (Neuseeland) |
19. November 2015 |
Optimal Location and Scheduling of Blood Donation Sessions | Dr. Jesse O’Hanley, Kent Business School (Großbritannien) |
21. Februar 2013 |
Change by Design - Harnessing the Potential of Operational Research in Health and Care | Prof. Martin Pitt, Director of PenCHORD, Exeter University Medical School (Großbritannien) |
21. September 2017 |
Geographic Information Systems: A Practical Approach to Transportation Network Modeling and Optimization | Burcin Bozkaya, Sabanci University (Türkei) |
22. - 24. November 2010 |
Modelling Demand and Deployment of Emergency Medical Services | Prof. Paul Harper und Dr. Vincent Knight, Operational Research Group, School of Mathematics, Universität Cardiff (Großbritannien) |
22. Januar 2013 |
TOP-ST-MIN: a new variant of the Team Orienteering Problem | Prof. Roberto Aringhieri, Università di Torino (Italy) |
23. Februar 2023 |
Nurse Rostering From Different Perspectives | Prof. Greet Vanden Berghe, Faculty of Engineering Technology, KU Leuven (Belgien) |
24. April 2014 |
Models for Traffic Engineering in Ethernet Networks Implementing the Multiple | Prof. Bernard Fortz, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgien) |
24. März 2015 |
Districting of Family Doctors’ Practices | Dr. Seda Yanik, Istanbul Technical University (Türkei) |
25. Juni 2015 |
Variations in the Patient Care Process at the Emergency Department: Development and Implications of an Observational Instrument | Dr. Ir. Maartje Zonderland, Universität Twente (Niederlande) |
25. Oktober 2012 |
Stochastic Programming | Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama, Universität Lissabon (Portugal) |
26. - 28. November 2013 |
Vehicle Routing and Scheduling with Hours of Service Regulations | Prof. Dr. Asvin Goel, Kühne Logistics University (KLU), Hamburg (Deutschland) |
26. November 2015 |
Einführung in die Constraint Programmierung | Dr. Guido Tack, Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University, Melbourne (Australien) |
29. - 30. August 2016 |
Market Design in Electricity Markets | Prof. Kurt Jörnsten, Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen (Norwegen) |
29. Januar 2013 |
Revenue Maximizing Tariff Zone Planning for Public Transport Organizations | Prof. Dr. Sven Müller, Hochschule Karlsruhe (Deutschland) |
30. März 2017 |
An Introduction to Approximate Dynamic Programming | Dr. Christiane Barz, Anderson School of Management Los Angeles (USA) |
31. Oktober 2013 |
The Vehicle Routing Problem and Extensions | Maria Albareda Sambola, Dep. d’Estadstica i Investigaci Operativa, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spanien) |
4. - 6. November 2014 |
Location Analysis and Marketing: A Review and Applications in Retail, Electromobility and Health Care | Prof. Lieselot Vanhaverbeke, Department of Business Technology and Operations, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgien) |
5. Februar 2015 |
Fifty Years of Vehicle Routing | Prof. Gilbert Laporte, Canada Research Chair in Distribution Management, HEC Montreal (Kanada) |
5. Oktober 2010 |
The p-Next Center Problem: Discrete Location with Backups | Maria Albareda Sambola, Dep. d’Estadstica i Investigaci Operativa, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spanien) |
6. November 2014 |
Equality Measures in Discrete Location Models | Prof. Giuseppe Bruno, Universität Neapel „Federico II“ (Italien) |
7. November 2013 |
35. Südwest-Workshop | Verschiedene Teilnehmer |
9. November 2012 |
Optimal Location Patterns or When Facilities are Prone to Failure | Prof. Dmitry Krass, University of Toronto (Kanada) |
15. April 2010 |
Location, Order and Discrete Optimization | Prof. Antonio Manuel Rodriguez Chia, Facultad de Ciencias, Puerto Real (Spanien) / Prof. Justo Puerto, Facultad de Matematicas, Universidad de Sevilla (Spanien) |
25. November 2010 |
Optimal Pooling, Batching and Pasteurizing of Donor Human Milk | Prof. Lisa Maillart, University of Pittsburgh (Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika) |
30. November 2017 |
Applications of Operations Research for Coping with Ambulance Offload Delays | Peter T. Vanberkel, PhD, Dalhousie University (Kanada) |
10. September 2018 |
TOP-ST-MIN: dealing with uncertainties | Alberto Guastalla, Università di Torino (Italien) |
09. November 2023 |
A Hilly City Approach for the Vehicle Routing Problems | Prof. Yasel José Costa Salas, FH Oberösterreich (Austria) |
7. Juni 2018 |
Overview of the Results on Emergency Planning Strategies | Prof. Dr. Tanka Nath Dhamala, Tribhuvan University (Nepal) |
15. Juni 2023 |
Dual topic talk: literature review on online appointment scheduling and assigning treatment rooms and physicians at the Emergency department | Maartje van de Vrugt, Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, Universität Twente (Niederlande) |
16. Juni 2016 |
The Tree of Hubs Location Problem: Formulation and Solution Algorithms | Elena Fernández, Universidad Polytècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona (Spanien) |
18. Juni 2009 |
OR4OSGEO (Operations Research for Open GIS) | Prof. Jochen Albrecht, Hunter College, City University of New York (USA) |
19. Juni 2019 |
Fast Local Search in Vehicle Routing | Prof. Daniele Vigo, DEI University of Bologna (Italien) |
22. Juni 2018 |
Routing Electric Vehicles: Problem Variants, Methods, and Future Challenges | Prof. Dr. Michael Schneider, Deutsche Post Lehrstuhl für Optimierung von Distributionsnetzwerken, RWTH Aachen (Deutschland) |
29. Juni 2017 |
Conservative Scales in Packing Problems | Dr. Vadim Kartak, Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Russland) |
12. Juli 2012 |