OR4OSGEO (Operations Research for Open GIS)

  • place:

    Gebäude 05.20, Raum 4A-09

  • sws:

    19. Juni 2019

  • Referent:

    Prof. Jochen Albrecht, Hunter College, City University of New York (USA)

  • Zeit:


OR4OSGEO (Operations Research for Open GIS)

Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS) were a hot topic in the 1990s, when researchers tried to embue GIS with additional decision support features. Successful practical developments such as HAZUS or CommunityViz have since been built based on commercial desktop software and without much heed for theory other than what underlies their process models. Others, like UrbanSim, have been completely overhauled twice but without much external scrutiny.


Both, the practical and theoretical foundations of decision support systems have developed considerably over the past 20 years and I will present an overview of these developments and then take a look at what corresponding tools have been developed by the open source communities. In stark contrast to the abundance of OpenGeo software, there is currently no open source SDSS. The presentation will therefore conclude with a discussion of different approaches that lend themselves to be used as platforms for us to develop an open source framework to build an SDSS according to our needs.