Districting of Family Doctors’ Practices

  • Tagungsort:

    Gebäude 11.40, Raum 253  

  • Datum:

    25. Juni 2015 

  • Referent:

    Dr. Seda Yanik, Istanbul Technical University (Türkei)

  • Zeit:

    17:30 Uhr

Districting of Family Doctors’ Practices

In the presence of a growing and aging expected demand, efficient planning and organization of healthcare services respecting the criteria such as coverage, access and equity is closely related to the space- and location-based organizational planning and decision problems. A type of such problem is the districting problem for positioning the doctor’s practices. We offer a systematical approach by applying the state-of-the-art methodologies and using the available data of Turkey and Germany. The approach is based on operations research techniques rather than traditional regulatory approaches and results in significant improvements in designing an efficient healthcare provision.